Videos about the Secondlife model
The hypostyle hall of the Mortuary Temple of Tuthmosis III in the state from 2017-08-31
Documentation of the rebuild hypostyle hall of the Mortuary Temple of Tuthmosis III in Deir el-Bahari in the virtual reality of Second Life, according to a model of M. Caban (Wroclaw University of Technology) and Dr. Monika Dolińska (National Museum in Warsaw) from Campaigns 2012-2013
The interior design at this time was not yet on the current state of knowledge, some interior doors and the two niches of the west wall in the hypostyle hall are still in the wrong place.
The Colonnades of Punt and Birth of the Mortuary Temple of Hatshepsut (in the model state from 2021-06-03)
Documentation of the famous "Colonnade of Punt" and "Colonnade of Birth" of the "Mortuary Temple of Hatshepsut" of Deir el-Bahari in the virtual reality of Second Life, on the basis of various original drawings of the murals from various scientific expeditions and partially coloured in a historically similar manner.
The columns of the colonnades are not yet completely provided with all of the original reliefs, but have placeholders on 2 sides (recognizable by lack of colouring).
The Mortuary Temple of Mentuhotep II - "Main gate and middle courtyard" (in the model state from 2023-06-30)
"Main gateway and middle courtyard" of the mortuary temple of Mentuhotep II
The project seen here is an attempt to reconstruct the main gate and the temple back to its original state using available scientific data. Since, apart from the foundation walls and a few column shafts, not much has survived the millennia, many questions about the construction are still unanswered today. Such is the appearance of the eastern main gate at the end of the causway that formed the entrance to the first courtyard and garden. The version of a pylon-like gate shown here is just a model based on a few clues that I would like to consider as a basis for discussion. The same applies to the dividing wall between the middle courtyard and the hypostyle hall. This wall can also only be recognized by its ground plan and joints on the foundation stones. We do not know how high it was, the design of its crest, or the shape of the passage. However, I would also like to encourage you to consider an architectural repetition of the entrance portal, as this could solve the problem of the different architrave heights and column alignments of the central courtyard and hypostyle hall by covering them. Possibly even by adding a semicircular wall crown, similar to the garden walls (deliberately left out here).
Background informations
Deir el-Bahari
Overview of the geographic location, and first imagery of the present state.
The Large Kneeling Statues of Hatshepsut
Egypt's female Kings and Queens
John Anthony West in the Mortuary temple of Hatshepsu
The Pharaoh who conquered the sea
Said by Amen, the Lord of the Thrones of the Two Land: 'Come, come in peace my daughter, the graceful, who art in my heart, King Maatkare [ie. Hatshepsut]...I will give thee Punt, the whole of it...I will lead your soldiers by land and by water, on mysterious shores, which join the harbours of incense...They will take incense as much as they like. They will load their ships to the satisfaction of their hearts with trees of green [i.e., fresh] incense, and all the good things of the land.'
In the Eighteenth Dynasty of Egypt, Hatshepsut built a Red Sea fleet to facilitate trade between the head of the Gulf of Aqaba and points south as far as Punt to bring mortuary goods to Karnak in exchange for Nubian gold. Hatshepsut personally made the most famous ancient Egyptian expedition that sailed to Punt. During the reign of Queen Hatshepsut in the 15th century BC, ships regularly crossed the Red Sea in order to obtain bitumen, copper, carved amulets, naptha and other goods transported overland and down the Dead Sea to Elat at the head of the gulf of Aqaba where they were joined with frankincense and myrrh coming north both by sea and overland along trade routes through the mountains running north along the east coast of the Red Sea.