Sources of relevant historical writings
Arnold, Dieter - The Temple of Mentuhotep at Deir el Bahari
One of the most important documentations of the Mentuhotep temple was made by Dieter Arnold et al. as a summary of all findings from several excavation campaigns summarized in a book and published in 1979. His abundantly illustrated complete documentation is available here as a digital facsimile.
These documents provide an invaluable basis for the rebuilding of the temple as a digital copy in the virtual world of Second Life, and we are very grateful to the The Metropolitan Museum of Art Libraries for the freely accessible publication of this treasure. 🙂
Naville, Edouard - The temple of Deir el Bahari
One of the first comprehensive documentations of the Hatshepsut temple was made by the scientific investigations of Edouard Navile. He explored the temple in several expeditions at the end of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th century. His abundantly illustrated complete documentation, published in several volumes, is available here as a digital facsimile.
These documents provide an invaluable basis for the rebuilding of the temple as a digital copy in the virtual world of Second Life, and we are very grateful to the University of Heidelberg for the freely accessible publication of this treasure. 🙂
Sources of relevant modern writings
Abstract: In 2012 and 2013 the mission continued research and documentation work, concentrating on scenes located in the Hypostyle Hall, the Bark Room, and rooms D, G and H. Dozens of painted stone fragments were cleaned and protected. Photoscanning techniques were used to improve detailed rendering of the temple. New photomontages were produced and subsequent walls were drawn, joining previously separate scenes.
Architecture of the Temple of Tuthmosis III at Deir el-Bahari ...
Architecture of the Temple of Tuthmosis III at Deir El-Bahari. Some Remarks on the Hypostyle Hall: Study on Architectural Elements of the Roof Structure, in: P.Kousoulis, N.Lazaridis (eds), Proceedings of the Tenth Intern. Congress of Egyptologists, Vol.II, OLA 241, Leuven: Peeters 2015, pp.159-173
Further sources of literature for a deeper understanding
Matić, Uroš - The sap of life ...
Materiality and sex in the divine birth legend of Hatshepsut and Amenhotep III - In Perspectives on materiality in ancient Egypt-agency, cultural reproduction and change, eds. R. Lemos, C. Velloza and E. Meynart. Oxford: Archaeopress. - 2018