Start of texturing the south wall of the Colonnade of Hunting
Today, we started with the manufacturing the first texture of the walls of the northern colonnade of the lower portico in the Mortuary Temple of Hatshepsut, also called "Colonnade of Hunting".
This colonnade will show for the first time the most complete reconstructed view of the wall reliefs. Also here we will show the murals in the usual way of black sketching on a white background, which we have also made on all other walls of the temple, and we will also here colour only the edge elements, the base and the sky lines. Because we still think that a reconstruction of the original colours is hardly feasible within the limits of this project.
The work started on the south wall of the colonnade (see picture above) and is based on copies of the reconstructed murals published by the Polish project "Deir el-Bahari Projects" as part of the "Dialog project" funded by the Polish Minister of Science and Higher Education in 2017-2018.